
Selamat datang bagi pengunjung blog ini, terima kasih atas kunjungan anda pada blog ini anda dapat download lagu-lagu rohani khusus quartet (male or ladies) termasuk partitur yang kami telah sediakan.

Blog ini khusus saya buat untuk membantu teman-teman yang mempunyai hobi menyanyi lagu-lagu rohani tetapi pada saat tertentu tidak mempunyai cukup partiture. Dan sesuai dengan judulnya maka blog ini khusus dibuat untuk quartet grup vokal, apakah itu male quartet atau ladies quartet.

Banyak orang didunia ini dan hampir semua orang yang ada di jagad raya ini menyukai musik. Sebab itu saya ingin mengajak semua teman-teman yang ingin partisipasi dalam blog ini saya persilahkan untuk memberi saran dan bahan untuk memajukan grup-grup quartet. Sering kita menyanyikan sebuah lagu dengan baik dan pendengar cuma menyukai harmoninya saja tetapi pekabaran dalam lagu itu sendiri tidak didapat karena pendengar tersebut tidak mengerti bahasa yang dinyanyikan dalam lagu tersebut untuk itu melalui blog ini saya sekali lagi mengajak siapapun untuk urung rembuk agar blog ini disukai dan dapat bermafaat buat kita semua.

Untuk itu saya akan mencoba untuk mentransfer dari partiture aslinya kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Shalom regards,

E. Nanlohy


Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011


Hooper sang bar­itone with the King’s Quar­tet group for 18 years, and ar­ranged and com­posed mu­sic for the group for 33 years. He taught mu­sic at the Por­tland (Ore­gon) Acad­e­my and Un­ion Coll­ege, Lin­coln, Ne­bras­ka; served as mu­sic­al di­rect­or of the Voice of Pro­phe­cy broad­cast; di­rect­ed de­vel­op­ment and mar­ket­ing for Ho­san­na House; did ar­rang­ing and or­ches­tra­tion for Cha­pel Re­cords; was mu­sic­al co-ed­it­or of the 1985 Sev­enth-day Ad­vent­ist hymn­al; and co-au­thored the Com­pan­ion to the SDA Hymn­al. An­drews and La Si­er­ra Un­i­ver­si­ties award­ed hon­or­a­ry doc­tor of mu­sic de­grees to him.

Born: July 4, 1920, Lit­tle Rock, Arkansas.
Died: February 28, 2007, at his home in Thou­sand Oaks, California.


Wayne Hooper: A Celebration of Life

"celebration of a lifetime" in honor of Wayne Hooper (1920-2007), perhaps the most famous Adventist musician in our denominational history. For me Hooper is a complicated individual who was extremely talented on the one hand and who loved the Voice of Prophecy, but who was far from perfect as highlighted in the memorial service--someone who knew how to pinch every last penny (as Del Delker said yesterday, a "tight wad") and who had a temper. Listening to the service helped me understand some of the things I had heard about him--a paranoia that others in the church were trying to take advantage of his musical talent by not giving him enough money for his royalties, and even my personal experience with him when he changed his mind about doing an oral history because I would try to control or make money off his memoirs (a rather preposterous idea!). Regardless, for those interested in Adventist history, for biographical purposes, a lot could be gleaned yesterday just by watching and listening. Here are a few interesting tidbits:
(1) Hooper was one of the original members of H. M. S. Richards' "King's Heralds" quartet. He was the last surviving member of the original group and his death, according to Lonnie Melashenko, represents the "end of an era."
(2) His musical talent was extraordinary. During the service his songs and photography were demonstrated. One recording featured Hooper singing all four parts. Del Delker couldn't believe that Hooper actually sang the soprano part, a difficult piece to sing--even for her. It is also interesting to observe the relationship between Hooper and Delker, the latter describing the former as her mentor and teacher.
(3) The famous song "We Have This Hope" was composed for the 1962 GC Session and has been played for more than half the subsequent GC sessions (including the most recent one held in St. Louis in 2005).
(4) Hooper's style of quartet arrangement, known as the "Hooper style" reflects his unique contribution to this particular genre of music.
(5) Hooper is probably responsible more than any other single person for the current hymnal sitting in the pew of most churches throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church (brought out in 1985). He also authored the "Companion to the SDA Hymnal" with helpful commentaries (I've used it on a number of occasions).
(6) Hooper was responsible for over 1500 arrangements and compositions. Several including "We Have This Hope" appear in the SDA Hymnal.

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